Home UFC Conor McGregor, rape accuser seen in new video

Conor McGregor, rape accuser seen in new video

Conor McGregor, rape accuser seen in new video

Conor McGregor has branded a sexual assault allegation against him a “shakedown” and claims a new video will clear his name.

The UFC fighter has denied claims that he sexually assaulted a woman in the men’s bathroom at the June 9 NBA game in Florida.

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A representative for McGregor told TMZ the “allegations are false.”

Letters from lawyer Ariel Mitchell, who is representing the alleged victim, claim McGregor “aggressively kissed” the woman – before allegedly forcing her to have oral sex with him.

The woman has given cops her clothes for DNA analysis but there has been no suggestion that McGregor has been arrested.

According to demand letters from lawyer Ariel Mitchell, obtained by TMZ, the victim was separated from her friend by Heat and NBA security, where she was forced into a bathroom inside the arena.

McGregor has responded to the claims. Photo: Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images/AFPSource: AFP

But McGregor’s lawyer Barbara R. Llanes claimed that a new video published by TMZ suggests the alleged victim changed her story.

“Mr. McGregor welcomes the investigation, which he firmly believes will show the claims against him are false,” the statement read.

“After not responding to the demand for money made by claimant’s counsel, she turned to the media to apply pressure.

“This is no more than a shakedown.”

TMZ published two videos, one which shows McGregor leaving a bathroom area and grabbing the alleged victim by the hand where she appears to follow him into the bathroom.

As a crowd of people mills around to film the UFC superstar, the door then shuts behind them with no one else going inside.

TMZ published a pair of videos. Photo: TMZSource: Supplied

The other video shows the pair together allegedly in a nightclub area inside the NBA arena.

Mitchell said the video was taken before McGregor left to use the bathroom, before a man in a Denver Nuggets jersey told her “Conor told me to come get you”.

“My client was under the belief they were leaving and going to the Four Seasons Hotel, as Conor had previously asked her to join him at his hotel room,” Mitchell said in a statement.

“The man with the braids then stopped at the door of the bathroom, when Conor grabbed my client (as seen in the video). My client believed they were leaving, but instead Conor took her into the bathroom.”

McGregor and the alleged victim partying together. Photo: TMZSource: Supplied
McGregor on court. Photo by Megan Briggs / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFPSource: AFP

Lawyers say the woman is seeking settlements with the NBA, the Heat and McGregor.

A UFC spokesperson said: “The organisation is aware of the recent allegations regarding Conor McGregor and will continue to gather additional details regarding the incident.

“UFC will allow the legal process to play out before making any additional statements.”

A Miami Heat spokesperson added: “We are aware of the allegations and are conducting a full investigation.”

The City of Miami Police Department said: “At this time all we can confirm is that MPD’s Special Victims Unit is investigating a report that was filed Sunday, June 11, 2023.

“This is an open investigation so no additional information can be released at this time.”

The claims have surfaced less than 24 hours after it emerged McGregor and his fiancee Dee Devlin are expecting their fourth child.

On the night of the June 9 final, McGregor was invited onto the court during a break in the game.

As he began addressing the crowd, McGregor was interrupted by Miami Heat mascot Burnie – who was wearing a pair of golden boxing gloves.

Footage from the night shows the Irishman delivering a devastating left-handed punch to the mascot – sending him falling to the ground.

The staff checked on Burnie before dragging him away.

This story first appeared in The Sun and was republished with permission.

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